Insurance Services

Vivek Babtiwale
( Veeveck Bob-Tee-Wall-Lay )
505 North Brand Blvd. Ste. 850
Glendale, CA 91203


1443 E. Washington Blvd #206
Pasadena, CA 91104

Phone (818) 551-6600 x 247
Fax (818) 551-6615
Cell (909) 263-8001

Vivek Babtiwale is insurance
licensed in California

CA Insurance Agent  License Number  0H68466

Glossary of Insurance Terms

Mortality Table

Life Expectancy Center for Disease Control Data

Definition: Life and Annuity Policies

Insurance Agent Pasadena, Life Insurance Agent, La Canada, San Marino, Arcadia, CA, 91104, 91011, 91006, 91001, H264, MP4
Hi, my name is Vivek Babtiwale ( Veeveck Bob-Tee-Wall-Lay). I am the Director of Strategic Planning with South Western Financial Network in Glendale, CA. is my personal website, and it’s designed to make it easier for my clients to find my contact information directly. I have an understanding of Tax-Free Retirement* strategies, Section 79 plans, Key Person Insurance, Term Insurance, Permanent Insurance such as Whole Life, Universal Life and Indexed Universal Life, Fixed Annuities, Indexed Annuities, as well as Business Overhead Expense, Disability Insurance, and Health Insurance. 

I earned my Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Cal Poly Pomona  and prior to becoming a financial services professional, I worked at JPL-NASA for 8 years. Having a technical background has enabled me to help individuals and businesses from a variety of perspectives. On a personal note, I have experience from years of planning for my own financial future, and I have also analyzed businesses for cash flow**.  Although I assist clients all over Southern California as well as out of state, I serve many clients particularly in the following cities: Diamond Bar, Brea, Upland, Monrovia, Pomona, Glendora, Chino, Chino Hills, Rancho Cucamonga, Pasadena, Altadena, La Canada, San Marino and Arcadia.
What are Living Benefits? What are Accelerated Death Benefits? Many life insurance policies offer optional riders called Accelerated Benefit Riders (ABR), that are also known in the industry as living benefits. They allow the policy owner to "accelerate" the death benefit, meaning they can access some of the death benefit of the policy while they are living, in the event of a qualifying illness.
Coverage may exist  for terminal, chronic (meaning that the insured is unable to perform some of the following: bathing, continence, dressing, eating, toileting and transferring without assistance or cognitive impairment CONTINUE >>>
What is Term Life Insurance? Term insurance is life insurance purchased for a specific length of time, or 'term',that pays a death benefit to the beneficiaries if the insured dies while the contract is in force. Term policies offer only death benefit coverage with no cash value component. For the defined length of time, term policies cost less than permanent policies.  Some term policies can be converted to permanent policies without a medical examination, which allows people whose health deteriorates after purchasing the term life insurance policy to qualify for the rates available at their original health status.
What are Living Benefits? Life Insurance Living Benefits. Insurance with Long term care benfits. Life Insurance Living Benefits video H264 mp4, accelerated death benfits Free Quote Term Insurance. What is Term Insurance? Money for family after death.
What is Whole Life? Whole Life insurance offers guaranteed premiums that will not increase or decrease, a guaranteed death benefit, plus the guarantee of building cash value within a life insurance policy. Guarantees are dependent on the claims-paying ability of the insurer. With Whole Life insurance, current income taxes on the increase of  the cash value within the policy are deferred. What is Indexed Universal Life? Indexed Universal Live ( IUL ) is a type of Universal Life Insurance, with a different method of crediting interest than fixed Universal Life Insurance. As with most universal life policies, an IUL provides more flexibility than whole life insurance, which may allow monthly premium amounts to be changed or skipped and death benefits to be changed.
Free quote, Whole Life, Permament Insurance, tax free, education fund, college planning Indexed Universal Life, IUL, Indexing, tax free retirement, college planning, Long term care
What is the Tax-Free Retirement Strategy? This involves using accumulation vehicles that have the potential to be accessed without Federal income tax in retirement. One possible solution is permanent life insurance. The primary purposes for purchasing permanent life insurance is for the death benefit protection that it provides. However, permanent life insurance offers the ability to build up tax-deferred cash value that can be accessed during your lifetime to generate a stream of retirement income – potentially income tax-free - using policy loans and withdrawals.  CONTINUE >>>  What is a Section 79 plan?  A Section 79 plan is a group term life insurance plan that allows an employer to provide free life insurance to his employees. The plan also allows the employer to include permanent life insurance as an option. The premiums are tax deductible to the business and if permanent life insurance is used, the employee can use it not only for its death benefit, but also can use the cash value to accumulate money on a tax-deferred basis. 
tax free retirement, future tax rate protection, tax free income
Section 79, tax deductible insurance, group insurance, insurance for doctors
An annuity is a financial product that allows a contract holder to accumulate money on a tax-deferred basis and receive a series of payments at regular intervals. People purchase annuities to obtain an income or to supplement retirement income they will receive from Social Security, pension benefits, investments and other sources. There are many different types of annuity contracts.
What is disability insurance? Disability insurance protects the owner of the policy in case he or she is afflicted with a qualified illness or accident and is unable to work. According to the National Safety Council, in 2008, a disability occured once every second in the United States. The type of occupation, income, age, and health history are some of the determining factors in the cost of  disability insurance.
Annuities, Senior investments,Guaranteed Lifetime Income rider, retirement income stream, tax deferred annuity, indexed annuity
Disability Insurance, Business Overhead Insurance, Buy-Sell Agreement, Occupational disability
*The use of cash value life insurance to provide a tax-free resource for retirement assumes that there is first a need for the death benefit protection. Policy loans and withdrawals reduce the policy’s cash value and death benefit and may result in a taxable event. Withdrawals up to the basis paid into the contract and loans thereafter will not create an immediate taxable event, but substantial tax ramifications could result upon contract lapse or surrender. Surrender charges may reduce the policy's cash value in early years.
**I do not offer tax or legal advice. For advice concerning your own situation, please consult with your appropriate professional advisor.
***Payment of Accelerated Benefits will reduce the Cash Value and Death Benefit otherwise payable under the policy. Receipt
of Accelerated Benefits may be a taxable event and may affect your eligibility for public assistance programs. Please consult
your personal tax advisor to determine the tax status of any benefits paid under this rider and with social service agencies
concerning how receipt of such a payment will affect you. Riders are supplemental benefits that can be added to a life insurance policy and are not suitable unless you also have a need for life insurance. Riders are optional, may require additional premium and may not be available in all states or on all products. This is not a solicitation of any specific insurance policy.